I’ve lived in the Seattle area for almost four years now and we never get snow, but a pretty impressive snowstorm passed over Sunday night, dumping a notable amount of snow over the region. I took a ruler and measured seven inches in my deck railing. One of the things that impressed me about the snow was that there was absolutely no wind, so it fell perfectly vertically. Everything is covered with snow but the area underneath is bare.
Another thing about the snow was that it was ideal for snowman-making. The kids from next door made an lopsided snowman that lasted until rain came through a couple days later and melted it into a mess. One of my coworkers made a giant snowball that was over four feet across.
I’d like to say I went out and played in the snow, too, but it didn’t happen. Instead, I took advantage of the fact that I couldn’t get into work (I live up on a hill that joins the main road, which has a drop-off onto the tops of trees, and no barrier) to play in a different way—I worked on a short story. It always nice to have a stolen day now and again…